What is a CMHC?
CMHC is serving a very specific population/specific set of services/specific state mandate that’s unique and different from services available in any old setting; high level of need.
National Council Policy Road Map
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing is focused on 5 essential objectives that represent the greatest opportunity to improve the health and well-being of the entire nation.
- Change the Model: CCBHCs in all 50 states
- Respond to the addiction crisis – Invest $100 Billion in federal funds by 2030
- Strengthen the field: Workforce Development – Train enough workers to fully meet the demand for services by 2030
- Strengthen the Parity Law – Acieve the full promise of Parity by 2025
- Expand Mental Health First Aid – Train 4 million adults and 4.5 million public high school students by 2025
440 IAC 4.1-1-1: Contimuum of Care
- Individualized treatment planning
- 24 hour crisis intervention
- Case management
- Out patient service including:
- Intensive outpatient services
- Substance abuse services
- Counseling and treatment
- Acute stabilization services including detox
- Residential services
- Day Treatment
- Family support services
- Medication evaluation and monitoring
- Services to prevent unnecessary and inappropriate hospitalizations and deprivation of person’s liberty

Community Engagement (Marion County)
- Over 150 Community Engagements
- CMHC representation or sponsorship for community events, planning meetings, public presentations, etc
- All centers participate in Indianapolis HUMS project
- 86 grants totaling $12.6 Million annually
- Many designated for Homelessness, Mental Health, Addiction, Integrated Care, and COVID responding.
- Many designated for Homelessness, Mental Health, Addiction, Integrated Care, and COVID responding.
- Crisis Response
- To Schools, Businesses, Governmental units, etc
- To Schools, Businesses, Governmental units, etc
- $ 22,183,612 in charity care provided
- Housing Initiatives = 683 units
CMHCs Provide Community-Based Care